393 research outputs found

    Stop Disclosing Personal Data about Your Future Self

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    Personal data is becoming more and more valuable because of new possibilities in gathering and analyzing data. Although, users integrate information systems in their most private spheres, they do not take adequate care of their privacy. In fact, they are becoming increasingly concerned about their information privacy, but act in a different way. This inconsistency in users’ behavior is known as privacy paradox. This paper takes up the psychometric measurement of future self-continuity and investigates the relationship to selected constructs of information privacy research. The results show significant correlations to the concerns users have about their privacy – an increasing future self-continuity is related with higher concerns. Thus, users should be aware of the implications their current disclosure of personal data have on their future self

    Geostatistical Modeling of Built Environment Characteristics of Urban Moveability

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    Physical inactivity is considered as a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases. In particular, technological developments and environmental changes led to a decrease of physical activity in daily life. In the last two decades, the investigation of factors influencing physical activity more and more focused on characteristics of the built environment and identified opportunities as well as barriers for physical activity. The walkability concept was established to investigate the association between the built environment and physical activity. This research starts from a walkability index that combines urban measures for residential density, land use mix, and street connectivity. The walkability index was mainly used to investigate neighborhoods that support physical activity with regard to active transport of adults in everyday life. In this thesis, the walkability concept was expanded in order to assess walkability measures and recreational facilities that affect physical activity in European children. A new concept was introduced to capture opportunities for physical activity in the neighborhood of children, called moveability index

    App-Privacy As An Abstract Value – Approaching Contingent Valuation For Investigating The Willingness To Pay For App Privacy

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    Apps can be seen as the embodiment of ubiquitous computing, i.e. the creation of environments saturated with computing and communication capability, integrated with human users. App markets are typical examples of so-called free or freemium markets, i.e. most apps include (at least) a free basic version. However, this does not mean that consumers do not have to pay for the benefits they derive. More precisely, private information of consumers is generated as the majority of apps receives, stores, or processes personal data, although sometimes other revenue mechanisms are used simultaneously. Given the fact that consumers’ information privacy as personal data privacy is a major part of the economic exchange when downloading and using apps, app privacy is determined as an attribute of the value proposition of apps. The current paper approaches the contingent valuation for measuring the willingness to pay for app privacy as an abstract value

    Low Effort and Privacy – How Textual Priming Affects Privacy Concerns of Email Service Users

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    The integration of digital applications and systems into the everyday routines of users is inevitably progressing. Ubiquitous and invisible computing requires the perspective of a new user and the inclusion of insights from related disciplines such as behavioral economics or social psychology. This paper takes up the call for research by Dinev et al. (2015) and examines the influence of textual priming elements on the privacy concerns of users of email accounts. The paper provides an operationalization of a privacy concern as a dependent variable, incorporated in an online experiment with 276 participants. The results show highly significant differences between the groups investigated by the experiment. Specifically, the users of different email providers show interesting results. While users of Gmail show no significant reaction in the experiment, users of other email providers show significant differences in the experimental setting

    App Information Privacy Concerns

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    Due to the new technological developments and solutions a new user of information systems evolved. Smart Mobile Devices (SMD) and software in form of mobile applications (apps) diffused into the everyday life of users. The download and usage of apps became ubiquitous and by giving away personal data while using apps, individuals put their privacy at risk. Privacy concerns are generally used to measure information privacy. However, privacy is highly context dependent and needs to be adapted to the investigated environment. Therefore, the authors developed a measurement for app information privacy concerns (AIPC), based on existing literature. A data set of 269 participants was analyzed. For the AIPC three first-order dimensions (anxiety, personal attitude, and requirements) were revealed

    Wer weiß was? – Digitale PrivatsphĂ€re und App-Literacy aus Nutzerperspektive

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    Der zĂŒgellose Konsum mobiler Applikationen wird in der Literatur unter anderem mit theoretischen Konstrukten wie dem PrivatsphĂ€re-Paradox erklĂ€rt. Da diese theoretische Grundlage die Perspektive der Nutzer und deren spezifische Vorbildung vollkommen außer Acht lĂ€sst, adressiert der Artikel die App-Literacy der Nutzer um zu ergrĂŒnden, ob sich Nutzer im Umgang mit PrivatsphĂ€re paradox verhalten. Anhand einer qualitativen empirischen Studie wird die spezifische Bildung der Nutzer bestimmt und anhand einer Inhaltsanalyse gezeigt, dass die Nutzer die durch mobile Applikationen drohenden PrivatsphĂ€re-Gefahren aufgrund ihrer zu niedrigen App-Literacy nicht einschĂ€tzen können und sich somit nicht paradox verhalten. Der Artikel zeigt, dass Nutzer Angebote mobiler digitaler Ökosysteme zwar ausgiebig in Anspruch nehmen, die daraus entstehenden Gefahren jedoch nicht kennen und somit auch nicht einschĂ€tzen und bewerten können

    Value of Star Players in the Digital Age

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    International professional football has become a billion dollar market worldwide. Up to half of the world\u27s inhabitants watch major events such as the FIFA World Cup or the UEFA Champions League Final. Central players and elements in this global advertising market are the clubs\u27 teams and the players themselves. Social media platforms today allow professional footballers to reach millions of people through private marketing as individuals, thereby creating their own brand. The brand and reach of each player is also a valuable resource for clubs in terms of player value and transfer activity. The outlined results in the following article show indicate a positive correlation between the social media value of professional players and the transfer activities of football clubs. Consequently, the impact of digitization on professional football can be shown by a relationship which has not been investigated in research to date

    Intent and the Use of Wearables in the Workplace – A Model Development

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    Due to reasons like demographic changes and variations in the spectrum of illness, worldwide expenditures in the health market have exploded.Contemporary information systems are evolving rapidly in the field of ubiquitous computing and nowadays support health in various fields. Wearables and tracking technologies have emerged in private life for health and fitness support.This adoption reveals future possibilities for innovating the health-supporting systems in the workplace. The crucial point of introducing wearables in the occupational health management system is the acceptance of employees. This paper provides a literature-driven measurement model to explain the behavioral intention to use wearables in the occupational health management system. The model provided is supported by 17 hypothesized relationships between relevant constructs and validated by card-sorting
